Wednesday, May 19, 2010

200 words on Haiti

Papa Doc and Baby Doc helped lead Haiti into dictatorship, violence, instability and degradation. This corrupt government also helped Haiti to become the poorest nations in the Americas. Haiti has the first black-led independent Caribbean state and republic. They became a republic when France got kicked out of the country after they colonized it during the wars in 19th century. During the Docs 29-year rule, ten thousand people died. Jean-Bertrand Aristide ran for a new government during 1990 in the hopes for a better and more stable future which was destroyed when the military overthrew him a short while later in 1994. Aberration. A bloody filed rebellion, and pressure from the US and France, forced Mr Aristide out of the country in 2004. Haiti is still covered by violence confrontations between gangs and political groups. 1% of the Haiti population is French speaking black people, they also own nearly half of the countries wealth. Many Haitian people go migrate over to the Us or Dominican republic for better jobs, life, health care, and future.

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