Sunday, May 23, 2010

100 Times Most Important People 2010

Hossein Mousavi

He was the leader of Iran with dreams of saving the Iran government and to change it to a democracy while a dictator corrupted Iran.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985221,00.html

P. Namperumalsamy

He invented a surgery and medical care that can make blind people get their eyesight back.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985223,00.html

Graca Machel

Graca is a freedom fighter of children rights, and woman’s refugee.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985241,00.html

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

Dr. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is fighting the challenge against the people who are abandoned by parents and people that are suffering in poverty, especially children.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985233,00.html

Chief Master Sergeant Tony Travis

He controlled the air-traffic to help right after the first earthquake. Also by doing this he got the supplies to the Haitian people quick as possible.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985270,00.html

Malalai Joya

She is a woman under the control of afghan, Taliban. Noticing this it even hard to survive. She teaches the girls also under in control of the Taliban underground.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985238,00.html

Douglas Schwartzentruber and Larry Kwak

These two people are researching about cancer. They are in a separate lab, in a separate background but they are facing a common goal; to cure cancer or at least make a treatment for it.,28804,1984685_1984745_1984778,00.html

Amy Smith

He has converted a hammer mill to flour and incubator. Also she is a teacher in Haiti and Africa.,28804,1984685_1984745_1984806,00.html

Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed al-nahyan

He is the president of the United Arab Emirates. He helped the financial problem that is going and spared 10billion dollar.,28804,1984685_1984864_1985435,00.html

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

He has devoted himself in Muslim. He is also a president in turkey, who started off selling buns in the street of Istanbul.,28804,1984685_1984864_1985464,00.html

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