Sunday, May 23, 2010

100 Times Most Important People 2010

Hossein Mousavi

He was the leader of Iran with dreams of saving the Iran government and to change it to a democracy while a dictator corrupted Iran.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985221,00.html

P. Namperumalsamy

He invented a surgery and medical care that can make blind people get their eyesight back.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985223,00.html

Graca Machel

Graca is a freedom fighter of children rights, and woman’s refugee.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985241,00.html

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

Dr. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is fighting the challenge against the people who are abandoned by parents and people that are suffering in poverty, especially children.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985233,00.html

Chief Master Sergeant Tony Travis

He controlled the air-traffic to help right after the first earthquake. Also by doing this he got the supplies to the Haitian people quick as possible.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985270,00.html

Malalai Joya

She is a woman under the control of afghan, Taliban. Noticing this it even hard to survive. She teaches the girls also under in control of the Taliban underground.,28804,1984685_1984949_1985238,00.html

Douglas Schwartzentruber and Larry Kwak

These two people are researching about cancer. They are in a separate lab, in a separate background but they are facing a common goal; to cure cancer or at least make a treatment for it.,28804,1984685_1984745_1984778,00.html

Amy Smith

He has converted a hammer mill to flour and incubator. Also she is a teacher in Haiti and Africa.,28804,1984685_1984745_1984806,00.html

Sheik Khalifa Bin Zayed al-nahyan

He is the president of the United Arab Emirates. He helped the financial problem that is going and spared 10billion dollar.,28804,1984685_1984864_1985435,00.html

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

He has devoted himself in Muslim. He is also a president in turkey, who started off selling buns in the street of Istanbul.,28804,1984685_1984864_1985464,00.html

Haiti After the Earthquake

The 2010 earthquake in Haiti was a catastrophic magnitude on 7.0. The earthquake caused a lot of damage too port-au-Prince and other settlements in the region and destroyed or cause a lot or damage too landmarks and building. Many countries responded to by giving immediate humanitarian aid, pledging funds, rescue and medical teams, engineers and support. Communication systems, air, land, and sea transport facilities, hospitals, and electrical networks had been damaged by the earthquake, which interfered with rescue and sending aid to the damage property. Port-au-Prince's morgues were quickly over flowing with many tens of thousands of dead bodies having to be buried in grave yards. Delays in aid distribution led to angry appeals from aid workers and survivors, and some violence being observed.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

200 words on Haiti

Papa Doc and Baby Doc helped lead Haiti into dictatorship, violence, instability and degradation. This corrupt government also helped Haiti to become the poorest nations in the Americas. Haiti has the first black-led independent Caribbean state and republic. They became a republic when France got kicked out of the country after they colonized it during the wars in 19th century. During the Docs 29-year rule, ten thousand people died. Jean-Bertrand Aristide ran for a new government during 1990 in the hopes for a better and more stable future which was destroyed when the military overthrew him a short while later in 1994. Aberration. A bloody filed rebellion, and pressure from the US and France, forced Mr Aristide out of the country in 2004. Haiti is still covered by violence confrontations between gangs and political groups. 1% of the Haiti population is French speaking black people, they also own nearly half of the countries wealth. Many Haitian people go migrate over to the Us or Dominican republic for better jobs, life, health care, and future.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Child mortality rates has droppe 30 percent ,school attendance increased and so has the test score. This is happening in Sauri Kenya. People are now learning to bread catfish and the women that used to be scared of bees, now smoke them and harvist there honey. What they want to do is make Sauri is a model village and What they do to help people with the technology and health is that they prick the peson and send a text to a person at the main station he analysis the data and send back what the pesons sickness is and the how to cure it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Response on Poverty

Poverty affects people all over the world. The World Bank definition explains it, as 27 Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job is fear for the future living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Poverty is powerlessness lack of representation and freedom. 27 because in 2005 850million people every day went to bed hungry and 1 billion people all over the world only make 24 a day. So poverty has a still does affect most of the people in the world. A lot of people starve because they only get from 4 to 6 bags of corn every harvest witch gives them very little income and food. Poverty is when you are living in bad condition but extreme poverty is when you are lacking all basic need and is living in bad conditions. A poverty trap is when you are forced into poverty by war and other things. You can help by giving to the poor and charity and you can give the things to the Red Cross. I helped people in South Africa that were begging for food and so I went and got them some bread.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Explenation of Title

The title the world is like a box of crayons means that if you are one color or one crayon in the box you have to learn to live with the other crayons and colors.This says that if you are a person with a cretin race or religion or color you have to learn to live with the other people in the world that aren't exactly like you.